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CloudCtrl named one of Australia’s 100 most innovative products


6 June 2017. For immediate release.

Cloud Ctrl created by SixPivot has been named in the ‘SMART 100’ Index

Cloud Ctrl has been named one of Australia’s 100 most innovative products or services, in one of the largest and most audacious innovation awards of its kind in Australia – the Anthill Magazine ‘SMART 100’ Index.

About Cloud Ctrl

Cloud Ctrl is a multi-cloud service management platform and software tool that acts as a brokering service, dashboard and management portal to enable organisations to manage subscriptions, services and make informed decisions to manage public cloud providers. Cloud Ctrl offers a comprehensive individualised billing management engine to enable organisations to allocate and bill consumption internally and to their customers. Cloud Ctrl tackles the issue of visibility offering a single dashboard for cloud service provider management and the ability to bill across teams or business units.

Help us WIN Reader’s Choice

The Readers’ Choice component starts now. It’s time to encourage fans, friends, colleagues and customers to vote you up!

The Readers’ Choice Index provides an opportunity for Anthill readers to vote on SMART 100 applications. Site visitors need only take one or more of the following actions to vote:

  1. Share it: On Facebook or LinkedIn (3 points)

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NOTE: The Readers’ Choice is different to our own internal judging. The SMART100 Index will be determined by our 50 anonymous maven judges and their collective wisdom

About the Smart 100

The SMART 100 Index was created by leading business media channel Anthill Magazine in 2008 to identify and rank Australia’s 100 most innovative products, proving to be one of the largest surveys of its kind in Australia.

“In true Anthillian style, the SMART 100 is an ever-evolving, ever-improving experiment,” said Anthill founder and Editor-In-Chief James Tuckerman.

“It identifies and ranks new Australian innovations by applying a combination of crowdsourcing, collaboration and common-sense. We employ the judgement of ‘mavens’ and readers.

“Unlike your average awards program, we don’t lock a panel of expert adjudicators in a small room. Neither do we demand a thorough analysis of each applicant’s P&L statement. We don’t even request an historical snapshot of ‘runs on the board’ or commercial achievements.

“This is because innovation is future focussed. It is about identifying and solving problems in ways that will change the way we live, do business and think.”

What is a ‘maven’?

Academics have known about the existence of Mavens for many years, claiming they have a particular psychotype. However, it was Malcom Gladwell’s book ‘The Tipping Point’ that really brought attention to this underutilised group in society.

Gladwell described Mavens as “those who are intense gatherers of information and impressions, and so are often the first to pick up on new or nascent trends”. ‘Maven’ is a Yiddish word that means, literally, “one who understands”.

According to Tuckerman, “The maven’s unique talent is his or her ability to unearth and identify, from all the new products and services available in the marketplace, the innovations that are worth propagating. A maven also generally has the ability to communicate the potential of the innovation to the broader public and, therefore, plays an integral role in the mass take-up of any innovation.

“These people have the ability to identify innovations that will meet an important need for the population. The hypothesis is that Mavens will provide a more predictive measure of innovation than mass consumers or, indeed, experts in the field – because they have a unique ability to identify the importance and relevance of an innovation.”

What is Anthill Magazine?

Anthill was initially launched as a print magazine, in September 2003, by its current editor-in-chief James Tuckerman, who at the age of 26 quit his day job, departing a promising career in corporate PR, to pursue his own entrepreneurial journey.

Since then, it has evolved into one of Australia’s leading online communities for Australian business owners, ranked among the Top 50 Business & Finance websites in Australia by Nielsen Online Ratings. It is dedicated to innovation, entrepreneurship and the commercial development of Australian ideas.

For further information on the SMART 100, contact: James Tuckerman on 0422 009 230

About Cloud Ctrl

SixPivot is a cloud first innovator and the creators of Cloud Ctrl. A software development and strategic management company who work with Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and Customers who are building software products for commercial production across diverse industries. From strategy to commercialisation and everything in between SixPivot enable your future through our technically excellent and business focused team. SixPivot develop products such as Cloud Ctrl that are enablers for customers in an evolving digital marketplace. We are part of the Microsoft Ventures Global Initiative via the Microsoft innovation Centre as well as a Silver Application Development and Cloud Platform Partner.

For more information, press only: Faith Rees,

For more information on Cloud Ctrl:






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