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We're recongised for unlimited domestic violence leave for team. Some quotes from the article:
SixPivot’s success this year came from a decision to offer unlimited domestic violence leave for victims and perpetrators. In addition to the leave, the firm provides paid emergency accommodation, cash support of up to $5000 and individual and family counselling.
To date, SixPivot has had one team member — a potential perpetrator — come forward because they were concerned their behaviour was “borderline” and wanted help to prevent any escalation. Another staff member has taken advantage of the program to support an extended family member.
SixPivot founder and chief executive Faith Rees says the policy came about after it emerged that three of the six female employees working at the firm at the time had experienced domestic violence.
Change the behaviour
About two years ago, a male staff member told Rees that he had had a fight with his partner and, in the words of Rees, “did some things that he wasn’t proud of and needed some help”.
Rees adds: “He basically didn’t know where to go, or how to get that help. So that was why we [thought]: ‘We can support the victim in terms of everything from giving them financial support and helping them change address. But if we really want to make change, we have to make change with perpetrators. If we can create a safe place for the men in our organisation to come to us at that point [where their behaviour might become aggressive], or before they get to that point, hopefully we can start to change the behaviour’.”
When potential perpetrators take leave, they must commit to counselling and provide Rees with information and contact details of the counsellor or expert to enable the CEO to have a written communication.
“I don’t need to know all the details, but we do need to know that they are continuing to seek help,” Rees says.

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